General properties dialog

You can set parameters valid generally for the whole FTP server in this dialog.

Server - transfer modes...

  • Server port - Port where server accepts new connections. Standard value for FTP server is 21.
  • Active mode allowed - Allows use of active mode during transfer, i.e. server is connecting to the client. This method is generally less safe and must not work if client is hidden behind a firewall etc.
  • Passive mode allowed - Allows use of passive mode for data transfer, i.e. client is connecting to the server. This method is generally less safe (does not require open listening ports on client's side) and works reliably, if the client is hidden behind a firewall etc. This mode is used by internet browsers in FTP mode.
  • Server to server transfer allowed - Allows transfer between two servers without transferring data to the client. This method is used for transfer between two servers connected with high speed line. Client controlling the transfer needs minimal transfer capacity to both servers.
  • Disable name resolving - This option disables resolving of IP addresses to domain names.
  • Limitations

    Value 0 in following options means deactivation of the limitation.

  • Max users - maximum number of users connected simultaneously to the system.
  • Disconnect client not logged in - Time (in minutes) during which client has to login after connected. If he does not, he will be disconnected.
  • Maximum upload speed - Maximum upload speed (in kB/s) for data upload. This value can be explicitely changed in detail setting of user's properties.
  • Maximum download speed - Maximum download speed (in kB/s) for data download. This value can be explicitely changed in detail setting of user's properties.
  • Transmit thread priority

    this option sets priority of a thread controlling files download. If you change this value, you can to a certain extent change server's behavior during big host computer load. Big priority means better continuousness of transfer while reducing continuousness of work on the server's computer and vice versa.

    Timeouts - time limitations

  • Idle timeout - time of inactivity (in minutes) after which user is disconnected.
  • Session timeout - time of connection (in minutes) after which user is disconnected
  • Anonymous access

  • Allow anonymous login - This option activates user's account named anonymous.
  • Always show anonymous in user list - If this option is checked, user anonymous id displayed in the list of users even if anonymous login is not allowed.
  • Ask for anonymous password - If this otpion is not selected, after entering name anonymous server will not ask client for password. This option is recommended to be set to active.
  • Check anonymous password - If this option is activated, password entered by user anonymous will be checked for e-mail address syntax.
  • Log anonymous passwords - Activation of this option allows saving of anonymous users' passwords to a log in open format. This option is recommended, if you want to control (within possibilities) anonymous FTP server accesses.
  • Misc

  • Block anti-timeout mechanism - This option blocks methods for controlling idle time etc. It is used e.g. for temporarily faulty line.
  • Delete partially uploaded files - If a transfer is interrupted during upload, all so far transfered file fragment will be deleted.
  • Lowercase characters in listings - Directory listings will be presented in lowercase. This option is useful if you expect frequent connections from text clients from unix machines etc.
  • Buffers - cache sizes

    These settings are critical for performance of FTP server and it is not recommended to change them without knowledge of network problematics.

  • Receive buffer size - Size of buffer for uploading data to the FTP server. Decreasing this value increases server load, increasing is not useful due to transfer characteristic of network (see below). Preserving of a default value is recommended.
  • Transmit buffer size - Size of buffer for downloading data from FTP server. Increasing this value over the size of packet's load of a particular network leads to so-called fagmentation (necessity of splitting of data at one side of the transfer and reconstruction on the other). On the other hand, decreasing this value leads to wasting of transfer capacity. Preset value is chosen according to most commonly used ehternet type networks. For another conditions, we recommend consulting this problem with network administrator.
  • Users - general preferences for users

  • Default home directory - Path will be used as a default home directory for newly generated users.
  • Add home directory ACL entry for new user - During creation of a new user, a record with default safe settings (neither write nor delete is allowed) is created in the access rights table for his home directory.
  • Update ACL entry for home directory while changing home directory - When changing home directory, old record from access rights table is deleted and to the new directory are assigned the same rights as the old directory had.